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The White Horse of Alih (analysis)

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Alih’s - The White Horse of Alih (analysis) Empty The White Horse of Alih (analysis)

Post by Belen, Edgerella V. Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:31 pm

-In the town, July 4 (Filipino-American Friendship Day)

-Alih - a moro, a non-christian
-Omar - Alih's brother
-Fermina - a christian girl who serves drinks at the market by the dock
-Lucy - the little girl in the reservation across the river where the Americans lived
-Imam - the village priest

*THEME: Beliefs and traditions of the Filipinos

Alih did not want to kill but he was afraid of his brother, while he was growing up his brother influence him to the killings his brother taught him that killing will be their way to wash away their shame and gain respect for their father who was killed without any reason.
When they become merchants they were robbed by men with guns and take away everything they had.
Rising Action -
He saw a girl whom he thought of as Fermina. He confirmed that it is Fermina when he saw the black mole on the corner of the girl’s mouth.
He was about to help her when Omar came drunk and was about to kill Fermina.
Falling Action-
Alih kills his brother to protect Fermina.

Historical Approach - because this story had happened years ago where the author has experience the event on the 4th of July which is the Filipino-American Friendship Day

Alih moved along with the crowd which was celebrating the Filipino-American Friendship Day celebration. In this event they planned to kill the people in the town. Alih and Omar are thinking before they plan on killing. Alih was thinking the past memories of their family. His father was accused of killing a man that he did not kill. Alih and Omar became merchants. they worked for Lim Ching who was a Chinese merchant. Then they were robbed by men with guns. They then went back to sea and stayed there for a long time. Omar began thinking of killing. By killing we can wash our shame away’ said Omar. Alih saw a girl which resembled his friend that he rode with in the carousel. After confirming that the girl he is looking at is really Fermina, his brother Omar was drunk and killed the people. Omar then went to kill Fermina but Alih protected her and killed his brother.

Bagong Buwan, This movie is about the Muslim rebellion in Mindanao, Philippines effect on civilians. It is a look at the war in Mindanao between the Philippine government (during President Joseph Estrada) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), primarily through the eyes of the Bangsamoro. From the very start, the film tells the viewers that this is a story about the Muslims’(Moros’) fight to preserve their culture and regain self-determination.

Belen, Edgerella V.

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Join date : 2016-07-30

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